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Name: Laban

Origin: Biblical   Hawaiian   Hebrew

Sex: Male

Unisex Name? No

Meaning: White. In the Bible, Laban was the brother of Isaac's wife Rebekah and the father of Jacob's wives Leali and Rachel. This name was popular with Puritans in the 17th century, but is rarely used today.

Soul Urge: People with the name Laban have a deep inner desire for love and companionship, and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony.

Expression: People with the name Laban tend to be creative and excellent at expressing themselves. They are drawn to the arts, and often enjoy life immensely. They are often the center of attention, and enjoy careers that put them in the limelight. They tend to become involved in many different activities, and are sometimes reckless with both their energies and with money.

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Sylables: 2


# of Characters: 5

First Consonant: L

First Vowel: A



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