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[+] Add Lopene Girl Spanish Basque name; meaning unknown.
[+] Add Lopine Girl Hawaiian Hawaiianized Robin.
[+] Add Lopold Boy Teutonic Patriotic.
[+] Add Lopoldi Boy Teutonic Patriotic.
[+] Add Loppa Girl English Historical meaning unknown
[+] Add Lora Girl Anglo-Saxon Small sage one.
[+] Add Lora Girl English The laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. Old name with many variants.
[+] Add Lora Girl Latin Laurel; The laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. Old name with many variants.
[+] Add Lora Girl Spanish Flower.
[+] Add Lorah BoyGirl German Variant of Laura referring to the laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory.
[+] Add Lorah BoyGirl German Variant of Laura referring to the laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory.
[+] Add Loraina Girl French Derived from Lorraine which is the name of a province in France and a family name of French royalty.
[+] Add Loraine Girl French Variant of Lorraine: From Lorraine (French province) and the family name of French royalty.
[+] Add Loraine Girl German Made famous in battle.
[+] Add Loralei Girl German Variant of Lorelei meaning she whose singing lures men to destruction.
[+] Add Loramendi Boy Spanish Historical meaning unknown
[+] Add Loran Boy English Form of Lorenzo and Lawrence.
[+] Add Lorance Boy English Modern usage. 'From the place of the laurel trees.'.
[+] Add Loranna Girl German Variant of Laura referring to the laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory.
[+] Add Lorant Boy Hungarian Victoly.
[+] Add Lorant Boy Latin Laurel.
[+] Add Lorayne Girl French Derived from Lorraine which is the name of a province in France and a family name of French royalty.
[+] Add Lorcan Boy Irish Little fierce one.
[+] Add Lord Boy English Historical meaning unknown
[+] Add Lorda Girl Spanish Reference to the Virgin Mary.
[+] Add Lordi Boy Spanish Historical meaning unknown
[+] Add Lore Boy English Historical meaning unknown
[+] Add Lore BoyGirl Spanish Historical meaning unknown
[+] Add Lore BoyGirl Spanish Flower.
[+] Add Lorean Girl English gift of laurel

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