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My NamesNameGenderOriginMeaningRating
[+] Add Abdel Adir Boy Arabic Servant of the capable.
[+] Add Abdel Ati Boy Arabic Servant of Allah.
[+] Add Abdel Aziz Boy Arabic Servant of the Mighty One.
[+] Add Abdel Fattah Boy Arabic Servant of the one who gives nourishment.
[+] Add Abdel Gawwad Boy Arabic Servant of the noble one.
[+] Add Abdel Hadi Boy Arabic Servant of the leader.
[+] Add Abdel Hakim Boy Arabic Servant of the wise one.
[+] Add Abdel Halim Boy Arabic Servant of the patient one.
[+] Add Abdel Hamid Boy Arabic Servant of the praiseworthy one.
[+] Add Abdel Kadir Boy Arabic Servant of the capable.
[+] Add Abdel Kerim Boy Arabic Servant of the generous one.
[+] Add Abdel Krim Boy Arabic Servant of the generous one.
[+] Add Abdel Lafif Boy Arabic Servant of the kind one.
[+] Add Abdel Malik Boy Arabic Servant of the king.
[+] Add Abdel Mufi Boy Arabic Servant of the donor.
[+] Add Abdel Qadir Boy Arabic Servant of the capable.
[+] Add Abdel Salam Boy Arabic Servant of peace.
[+] Add Abdelahi Boy African Historical meaning unknown; popular in Somalia.
[+] Add Abdel-Alim Boy African Servant of the man of learning; servant of the wise man.
[+] Add Abdelatif Boy African Servant of the kind one.
[+] Add Abdeljilill Boy African Historical meaning unknown
[+] Add Abder Rahim Boy Arabic Servant of the compassionate.
[+] Add Abder Rahman Boy Arabic Servant of the merciful.
[+] Add Abder Razi Boy Arabic Servant of the provider.
[+] Add Abder Razza Boy Arabic Servant of the provider.
[+] Add Abdera Girl Greek From Abdera.
[+] Add Abderus Boy Greek A friend of Hercules.
[+] Add Abdi Boy African My servant.
[+] Add Abdi Boy Biblical My servant.
[+] Add Abdiel Boy Biblical Servant of God

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