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My NamesNameGenderOriginMeaningRating
[+] Add Aekerley Boy English From the oak tree meadow.
[+] Add Aekerman Boy English Man of oak.
[+] Add Aekley Boy English From the oak tree meadow.
[+] Add Aeldra BoyGirl English Lives at the elder tree.
[+] Add Aeldra BoyGirl English Noble.
[+] Add Aelfdane Boy English Danish elf.
[+] Add Aelfdene Boy English From the elfin valley.
[+] Add Aelfraed BoyGirl English Sage.
[+] Add Aelfraed BoyGirl English Elf counselor.
[+] Add Aelfric Boy English Elf ruler.
[+] Add Aelfthryth Girl English An Old English name formed as a compound of aelf, meaning elf, and thryth, meaning strength.
[+] Add Aelfwine Boy English Friend of the elves.
[+] Add Aelle Boy Anglo-Saxon Name of several kings.
[+] Add Aello Girl Greek A Harpy.
[+] Add Aelwyd Girl Welsh From the hearth.
[+] Add Aemilia Girl Latin The feminine form of the Roman clan name Aemilius.
[+] Add Aemilia Girl Shakespearean 'The Comedy of Errors' Wife to Aegeon, an abbess at Ephesus, and mother to the twin brothers Antipholus of Ephesus, and Antipholus of Syracuse.
[+] Add Aemilianus Boy Latin From the Roman clan name Aemilius.
[+] Add Aemilius Boy Latin Roman family clan name.
[+] Add Aemilius Boy Shakespearean 'Antony and Cleopatra'. Aemilius Lepidus, Roman triumvir. 'The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus' A noble Roman.
[+] Add Aeneades Boy Latin Descended from Aeneas.
[+] Add Aeneas Boy Biblical Praised, praiseworthy.
[+] Add Aeneas Boy Greek Praiseworthy. Aeneas was the Trojan hero of Virgil's Aeneid, This name his been occasionally used since the Renaissance.
[+] Add Aeneas Boy Irish Praise.
[+] Add Aeneas Boy Latin Excellent.
[+] Add Aeneas BoyGirl Scottish Unique choice.
[+] Add Aeneas Boy Shakespearean 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' A Trojan commander.
[+] Add Aeneas BoyGirl Scottish Sometimes used in Scotland as a translation of the Gaelic 'Aonghus'.
[+] Add Aenedleah Boy English From the awe inspiring one's meadow.
[+] Add Aenescumb Boy English Lives in the valley of the majestic one.

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