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My NamesNameGenderOriginMeaningRating
[+] Add Addaneye Boy English Lives on the noble's island.
[+] Add Addergoole Boy Irish From between two fords.
[+] Add Addeva Girl Muslim Pleasant. Gentle.
[+] Add Addfwyn Girl Welsh Meek.
[+] Add Addi BoyGirl Biblical My witness, adorned, prey
[+] Add Addi BoyGirl Biblical My witness, adorned, prey
[+] Add Addie Girl Hebrew Son of Adam: Man of the red earth.
[+] Add Addie Girl French Diminutive of Adelaide: Nobility. French form of the Old German Adalheidis, a compound of 'athal' (noble) and 'haida' (hood). Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was named after Queen Adelaide, 19th century King William IV's consort.
[+] Add Addie Girl German Diminutive of Adeline and Adela: Sweet or pleasant; of the nobility. Noble. From the Old German 'athal' meaning noble.
[+] Add Addien Girl Welsh Beautiful.
[+] Add Addiena Girl Welsh Beautiful.
[+] Add Addin Girl Biblical Adorned; delicious; voluptuous
[+] Add Addis Boy English Son of Adam.
[+] Add Addis Boy Hebrew Son of Adam: Man of the red earth.
[+] Add Addison BoyGirl English Son of Adam.
[+] Add Addison Boy Hebrew son of Adam
[+] Add Addison BoyGirl English son of Adam
[+] Add Addisu Boy African Historical meaning unknown
[+] Add Addisyn Girl English
[+] Add Addney Boy English Lives on the noble's island.
[+] Add Addolgar Boy Welsh Devout.
[+] Add Addon Boy Biblical Basis; foundation; the Lord
[+] Add Addy Boy English Ardent.
[+] Add Addy Boy Hebrew Son of Adam: Man of the red earth.
[+] Add Addy Girl French Diminutive of Adelaide: Nobility. French form of the Old German Adalheidis, a compound of 'athal' (noble) and 'haida' (hood). Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was named after Queen Adelaide, 19th century King William IV's consort.
[+] Add Addy Girl German Diminutive of Adeline and Adela: Sweet or pleasant; of the nobility. Noble. From the Old German 'athal' meaning noble.
[+] Add Addyson Girl English son of Adam
[+] Add Ade Girl Arthurian Legend A mistress of Lancelot.
[+] Add Ade Boy African Nigerian word meaning royal.
[+] Add Adeagbo Boy African He brings royal honor (Yoruba).

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