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[+] Add Ada Girl African First daughter; firstborn female. (Nigerian).
[+] Add Ada Girl English Wealthy. Also from the Old German Eda or Etta, meaning happy. Introduced from Germany in the late 18th century. Also a diminutive of Adela, Adelalde, or Adeline.
[+] Add Ada Girl French Diminutive of Adelaide: Nobility. French form of the Old German Adalheidis, a compound of 'athal' (noble) and 'haida' (hood). Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was named after Queen Adelaide, 19th century King William IV's consort.
[+] Add Ada Girl German Diminutive of Adeline and Adela: Sweet or pleasant; of the nobility. Noble. From the Old German 'athal' meaning noble.
[+] Add Ada Girl Hebrew Ornament.
[+] Add Ada Girl Scottish Wealthy.
[+] Add Ada Girl Spanish noble, kind
[+] Add Ada Girl Teutonic Happy.
[+] Add Adabel Girl Teutonic Lovely or happy.
[+] Add Adad Boy Greek Storm and flood god.
[+] Add Adadah Boy Biblical Testimony of the assembly
[+] Add Adaego Girl African Daughter of money/wealth.
[+] Add Adaeke Girl African Born on "Eke" market day (Igbo, Nigeria).
[+] Add Adael Boy Hebrew God's ornament.
[+] Add Adaeze Girl African Princess.
[+] Add Adah Girl African First daughter. (Nigerian).
[+] Add Adah Girl Hebrew Beautiful. Ornament. The Old Testament wives of Lamech and Esau were named Adah. Used occasionally in English-speaking countries since the 16th century.
[+] Add Adah Girl Biblical An assembly
[+] Add Adahy Boy Native American Lives in the woods (Cherokee).
[+] Add Adaia Girl Hebrew Witness of God.
[+] Add Adaiah Boy Biblical The witness of the Lord
[+] Add Adaiah Boy Hebrew Witness of God.
[+] Add Adaidh Boy Scottish Diminutive of Adhamh (Adam), man of the red earth.
[+] Add Adain Boy Welsh Winged.
[+] Add Adair BoyGirl Scottish From the oak tree ford.
[+] Add Adair Boy Celtic From the ford by the oak trees.
[+] Add Adair Boy English Variant of Edgar: Fortunate and powerful. From the Old English name Eadgar, a compound of 'ead' meaning rich or happy, and 'gar' meaning spear. Famous bearer: 10th-century king Edgar of England; American author Edgar Allen Poe.
[+] Add Adair Boy Gaelic From the oak tree ford.
[+] Add Adair BoyGirl Scottish From the oak tree ford. Uncertain origin. May be a variant of Edgar, or from the Gaelic for 'oak tree ford'. Used for many hundreds of years as both surname and first name.
[+] Add Adaira Girl Scottish From the oak tree ford.

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