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My NamesNameGenderOriginMeaningRating
[+] Add Acheflow Girl Arthurian Legend White flower.
[+] Add Achelous Boy Greek A river god.
[+] Add Achen Boy African A twin.
[+] Add Acher Boy Hebrew Other.
[+] Add Acheron Boy Greek River of sorrow/woe.
[+] Add Acheron Boy Latin River of sorrow.
[+] Add Acheros Boy Latin River of sorrow.
[+] Add Achida Boy Hebrew Smart brother.
[+] Add Achieng Girl African Born in the day.
[+] Add AchiIles Boy Greek Lipless.
[+] Add Achilles Boy Greek The mythological hero of the Trojan War famous for his valor and manly beauty - his only weak spot was his ankle (hence Achilles' Heel).
[+] Add Achilles Boy Latin Hero of the Greeks.
[+] Add Achilles Boy Shakespearean 'The History of Troilus and Cressida' A Greek commander.
[+] Add Achillides Boy Latin Descendant of Achilles.
[+] Add Achim BoyGirl Biblical Preparing, revenging, confirming. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name]
[+] Add Achim BoyGirl Biblical Preparing, revenging, confirming. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name]
[+] Add Achimelech Boy Hebrew The king is my brother.
[+] Add Achir Boy Indian New.
[+] Add Achisar Boy Hebrew The prince is my brother.
[+] Add Achish Boy Biblical Thus it is, how is this.
[+] Add Achishar Boy Hebrew My brother is a song.
[+] Add Achivus Boy Latin A Greek.
[+] Add Achiya Boy Hebrew God is my brother.
[+] Add Achiyahu Boy Hebrew God is my brother.
[+] Add Achmetha Boy Biblical Brother of death
[+] Add Acholam Girl African Historical meaning unknown
[+] Add Achor BoyGirl Biblical Trouble. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name]
[+] Add Achor BoyGirl Biblical Trouble. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name]
[+] Add Achsah Girl Biblical Adorned, bursting the veil.
[+] Add Achshaph BoyGirl Biblical Poison, tricks. [Non-Gerderized Biblical Name]

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