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My NamesNameGenderOriginMeaningRating
[+] Add Abiona BoyGirl African Born on a journey.
[+] Add Abioye Boy African Born during coronation (Yoruba, Nigeria, West Africa).
[+] Add Abir Boy Hebrew Strong.
[+] Add Abir Boy Arabic Fragrant.
[+] Add Abir Boy Muslim Fragrance.
[+] Add Abiram Boy Biblical High father; father of deceit
[+] Add Abiram Boy Hawaiian Variant of Apelama: He who has many children.
[+] Add Abiram Boy Hebrew Variant of Aviram: My father is strong; father of heights.
[+] Add Abisai Boy Hawaiian Variant of Apikai: Gift of God; gift from God.
[+] Add Abisha Boy Hebrew The Lord is my father.
[+] Add Abishag Girl Biblical Ignorance of the father.
[+] Add Abishai Boy Biblical The present of my father.
[+] Add Abishai Boy Hebrew Variant of Avishai: Gift from God.
[+] Add Abishalom Boy Biblical Father of peace
[+] Add Abishua Boy Biblical Father of salvation
[+] Add Abishur Boy Biblical Father of the wall; father of uprightness
[+] Add Abital Girl Biblical The father of the dew; or of the shadow
[+] Add Abital Girl Hebrew Variant of Avital: Father of the dew.
[+] Add Abitub Boy Biblical Father of goodness
[+] Add Abiud Boy Biblical Father of praise
[+] Add Abla BoyGirl African A wild rose (Swahili, Kenya-Tanzania, East Africa).
[+] Add Abla BoyGirl African Wild rose.
[+] Add Ablah Girl Muslim Perfectly formed.
[+] Add Ablan Boy African Historical meaning unknown
[+] Add Able Boy Hebrew Exhalation of breath. The second son of Adam in the bible.
[+] Add Ablendan Boy Anglo-Saxon Blind.
[+] Add Abner Boy Biblical Father of light
[+] Add Abner Boy Hebrew Father is light, or father of light. The Old Testament Abner was Saul's cousin and army commander, a clever strategist. Abner became fashionable after the Reformation. 'Li'l Abner', was the hero of a comic strip by cartoonist Al Capp.
[+] Add Abok Girl African Historical meaning unknown
[+] Add Abooksigun Boy Native American Wildcat (Algonquin).

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